Top-Rated Homeschool and Distance Learning
Mango Languages is an award-winning virtual language-learning resource. When language is an adventure, learners are engaged. Mango gets them speaking.

How does Mango work?
The Mango learning system is powered by linguist developed methodology that intuitively teaches vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and culture through everyday conversations.
We offer 70+ world languages.

Learning Features
- Parent profiles with up to 5 child profiles
- Usage tracking and reporting for each user
- Built-in placement tests and auto-graded quizzes/assessments
- Visually indicative learning pathway to identify course progress
- Additional learning activities to reinforce learned skills
- Offline learning access for low connectivity environments
- Bluetooth and auto play features for on-the-go learning
- Study Reminders/Notifications to keep students on track and motivated
Priced to fit your budget
$19.99 USD/MO
All Language Subscription
2-week risk free trial

Mango’s online language courses vary in length, but all of the most popular courses chosen for supplemental language study and homeschool language-learning curriculums provide over 500 lessons of learning material.
Mango Proficiency Scale
Mango’s learning content compares favorably to the two most internationally recognized proficiency scales; American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Using Mango, a student can achieve an Intermediate-High Level (ACTFL) or a B1 Level (CEFR).
Proven effective virtual language-learning
Recently, researchers from Queens College in New York and the University of South Carolina conducted an independent study to assess the efficacy of the Mango Languages learning system. Click here for more about the study and to see how learners performed on college placement tests using Mango.
Home Learning Success!
See how Michigan mom Kristen T. uses Mango Languages to engage her daughters Jackie and Leah in virtual language learning as an extracurricular activity at home.
I’m impressed easily they pick it up.
Kristen T., Jackie’s and Leah’s mother

We love that Mango automatically grades and keeps the kids' progress with their learning of other languages. My kids are learning quickly too!
Beth A, Homeschool Buyers Co-op Member
The answers you need
Since established curriculums vary from region to region, Mango does not follow, for example, Spanish 1, Spanish 2 etc. Rather, the Mango Proficiency Scale compares with both ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language) and CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference), two internationally recognized proficiency scales. With Mango, a student can achieve an Intermediate-High Level (ACTFL) or a B1 Level (CEFR). Click here for more info.
Though our courses are not accredited, your study hours and assessment results are recorded automatically, should you need to demonstrate the time you’ve spent learning a language in order to apply for course credit with your school board or homeschool program.
Mango’s online language courses vary in length, but all of the most popular courses chosen for supplemental language study and homeschool language-learning curriculums provide over 500 lessons of learning material. The chart below provides approximate hours of material and study.
Completion Time
Per lesson | Per chapter | Per unit (10 chapters) | Per course |
10-30 minutes | 3-6 hours | 30-60 hours | 120-400 hours* |
Chapter Progress
Language class time per week | 1 hour (60 min) / week | 2 hours (120 min) / week | 4 hours (240 min) / week |
Chapter progress | 4-6 weeks to complete a chapter | 2-3 weeks to complete a chapter | 1-1.5 weeks to complete a chapter |
Course progress | 40-60 months to complete the entire course* | 20-30 months to complete the entire course* | 10-15 months to complete the entire course* |
*Our most popular premium courses have up to 400 hours of content. Courses in less commonly taught languages may have less content.
Mango offers more than 70 world languages and over 20 English courses. You can start with one language at a monthly $11.99, or choose the All Languages subscription for just $19.99 per month. View all pricing options.
All activity/usage is permanently associated with a profile. If you cancel your subscription for the summer and then resubscribe when the school year begins again, all of your previous activity will return. You and your children will be able to pick up where you left off.
Language is an Adventure
Use Mango at home this school year. Check out our pricing options and sign up today!